Latest Arrivals

100% Plants

Mother Nature's Smoke medicine

Sampler packs!

Find your scent

Connect with Nature...

of Light and Love

From our workshop to you

Give the gift of deep ecology...

No Glues. No Binders. Just plants.

Incense that works with plant intelligence to create sacred space

Gold Dust Plank

A prayer for ABUNDANCE

From our workshop to you

What people are saying....


The most natural and unique incense I have ever used! The scent payoff is amazing. I love the variety plank box, great value and and I get to see which I like the best. I'm a repeat customer and can't wait to try the ceremonial cacao I ordered today! Fantastic local made product!


Perth, Western Australia


Your incense has ruined other incenses for me. This incense is never oversweet and creates a really calm vibe, it's got a much more natural scent than other incenses.

Heather Mac



One of my favourite incenses...Pure aroma made with love and magic.

Devi Ma

Ubud, Bali, Indonesia


I love your incense, I have used quite a few different ones and they are all divine and bring me a great feeling of serenity. My home always smells amazing for some time after using them. I love that they are handmade locally too.

Kristen Allen

Perth, Western Australia


Tribe Earth are my all time favourite incense. Once you've experienced the purity of these incense it's impossible to go back to any of the standard store bought stuff. They are my favourite way to ground, clear and connect

Karla Hooper



Do yourself a favour and give this incense a try! I’m obsessed and completes my morning ritual. I want to give everyone I know a bar of it so they can also experience it too. I love that it has no nasties, no plastic packaging and handmade with love with great ingredients.

Irene from Fix Make Grow

Los Angeles, CA

Insta Love

Doing it by hand..